[osg-users] What's the difference between put rttcamera under root node and viewer?

John Green star-force at qq.com
Tue Nov 24 19:32:48 PST 2015

The terrain stay black even if I remove the speedtree node.So we can specify:
1.When we use a addslave-type rtt camera,with usemasterdata set true,Eveything is OK,BUT the workload is quite heavy.
2.When we use a addslave-type rtt camera,with usemasterdata set false,the osgearth lost its textures and turn into black,but the speedtree is fine.
3.When we use a addchild-type rtt camera,the osgearth can be fine,but the speedtree node are totally disapeared.
BTW,nodemask seem not to work when we use the first and only way.

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi John,
> The inconsistent behaviour suggests that some state set up by SpeedTree is affecting the OSG rendering and possibly the other way around too.  
> W.r.t. rendering different parts of the scene in the mirror vs main scene, you can use a combination of NodeMask's on the subgraphs you want to specialize and CullMask (see in osg::CullSettings that is inherited by osg::Camera.)
> Robert

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