[osg-users] Using Draggers, lack of documentation

Christian Kunz christian.kunz83 at gmail.com
Mon May 18 05:42:03 PDT 2015

Hi everybody,

I'm still new to OpenSceneGraph and at the moment I come very often to a point where I just don´t know where I can find Information that I need to solve a problem.

For example: At the moment I have a big table in my scene where I want to select a point on the surface and then I want to dynamically add a point in shape of a circle on that surface. This should work. I found examples in the books and within the delivierd examples of OSG.

Now I want to use <osgManipulator/Dragger> and connect one of my new circle nodes with it, so I can just drag it on the surface. You could just visualize it by thinking of playing cards which are moved on a poker table.

So there is an example shipped with OSG: osgmanipulator. For me as a beginner to OSG, it is quite hard to understand that example because there are no comments in code. Also the example is quite long.

I tried to find further informations about the Dragger class, but just found the class reference.

So my question is, at this point, how should I move on to find out the usage of the different dragger classes? Is there a simple example where dragging is explained on a single object/node?

Thank you for your help.


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