[osg-users] Light/Material flickering

João joao.henrique.pinto at hotmail.com
Mon May 11 06:03:49 PDT 2015

I'm currently loading .osg models to a scene, and I'm experiencing some inconsistencies when it comes to texturing and lighting in those models.The .osg models I'm used have been converted from .obj models using the osgconv tool (the entire scene was modelled in SketchUp). As you can see, the vase with the plants has its materials intact, while the painting above it and the books on the table are completely black and flicker when I move the camera.A similar issue happens with the room itself; On another machine the room is fully textured, while on this machine it has no textures at all.I have a lightgroup node that has all the elements of the scene as its children, and I can't seem to figure out where these inconsistencies come from and what causes them. 		 	   		  
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