[osg-users] osganimationhardware does not seem to work with nathan.osg

Steven Powers StevenAPowers at gmail.com
Tue May 5 14:52:37 PDT 2015

I tried out osganimationhardware with nathan.osg but it does not seem to skin the object correctly.

When compared to running the same application with the  --software flag turned on the results are VERY different.

With --software turned on it looks like the arms and head move correctly but without this flag turned on the animation seems to be somewhat random and not following the skeleton at all.

I cant seem to find much that has changed within the RigTransformHardware.cpp class since I've seen this work correctly last. (OSG v 2.7). But it seems that the "boneweight" variables withinin skinning.vert are the main culprit. Any ideas of what could be going wrong?

I'm trying out the SVN/Trunk now to see if anything has been fixed since 3.2.1

Is anyone else having trouble with this? Can someone confirm that this is indeed broken for them as well?

Thank you!


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