[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Christian Kehl christian-kehl at web.de
Mon May 25 02:10:21 PDT 2015


I still didn't get it to work. I spoke with an Android developer the recent days, told him the problem. His suggestion: move the requested library files in the libs-folder of your project, which is how the Android jni usually works. Said and done, I created a folder in osgSimple called "libs" and copied the OpenSceneGraph 3.3.8 library files (static libraries) into the "libs" folder. Unfortunately, I still get the same error, the app searches for the dynamic library (at least according to LogCat). Any further ideas ? I can still try a dynamic compile of OSG 3.3.8 and compile osgAndroid from there on again, but I don't know how promising that may be. Thing is: the osgAndroid compile itself is fine because the gray render window is created. It is just that the plugins are not found by the Android system ...

Thank you!


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