[osg-users] How to convert osg::Texture to osg::Image?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed May 20 02:36:44 PDT 2015

Hi Michael,

On 20 May 2015 at 04:05, michael kapelko <kornerr at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to make sure I got you right.
> There's no way to convert Texture to Image, I can only get the Image at the
> time of Camera draw operation.

Partially correct.  There is an
osg::Image:::readImageFromCurrentTexture(..) that allows one to
convert the current bound texture to an osg::Image.

> Thus, it would be easier to attach the Image
> to Camera. Correct?

I didn't suggest attaching an osg::Image to osg::Camera at any point.

What I would suggest is using a osg::Camera  FinalDrawCallback to do
Image::readPixels().  Have a look at the osgscreencapture example.


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