[osg-users] Google and "Authoritative Distributor" of Open Source Software (OSG)?

Frank Kane fkane at sundog-soft.com
Sat May 16 08:29:36 PDT 2015

If it's any consolation, Google shut down my ad campaigns as well last week, or at least some of them. This was just for providing free evaluation SDK's of my own products, on my own website!

In addition to filling out the same form you did, I was also told to post licensing terms and uninstall instructions on every page of my website. I'm still waiting for the appeal to go through. You might want to do the same, proactively. Their new terms also require installers to be digitally signed, so I'm expecting that to come next.

Frank Kane
Founder, Sundog Software LLC
The SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK
The Triton Ocean SDK

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