[osg-users] Intel graphics poll...

Terry Welsh mogumbo at gmail.com
Wed May 13 15:12:52 PDT 2015

I've been running my last game (medium fidelity OSG with various
shaders and FBOs) at 60Hz on Intel 4000 under Fedora 19. Also been
prototyping a new one with it. Intel graphics have been much, much
better lately starting with their first in-CPU graphics.
Terry Welsh

> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 22:43:05 +0200
> From: Mattias Helsing <helsing72 at gmail.com>
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Intel graphics poll...
> Message-ID:
>         <CAOPUD5DzH7eC2WUzcXet1wywMbpBxBh__-kXK2XM8OjRZFRkqA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Thank you all!
> We borrowed and tested a rugged tablet from our supplier (not pushing
> anything! but if your interested it is a FIDS YONA tablet) with core
> i7 and HD4600. I installed vanilla Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit, compiled OSG
> trunk and our simulator suite and it runs smooooooooth :)
> We are far from the bleeding edge OpenGL wise, but we require two
> screens, IR simulation and some effects. We still have a lot of
> testing to do, but so far I'm impressed and quite surprised.
> So thanks. If this works, our product will be (quite a bit) sexier.
> cheers
> Mattias
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 1:44 AM, webmaster <webmaster at 3dvri.com> wrote:
>> hi Mattias Helsing,
>>   we run openscenegraph smoothly in Intel 740 and S3 savage 3D,years ago.
>>   regards
>>   zhuwan
>>  04,03,2015
>>> -----????-----
>>> ???: "Mattias Helsing" <helsing72 at gmail.com>
>>> ????: 2015-3-30 22:37:16
>>> ???: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org>
>>> ??:
>>> ??: [osg-users] Intel graphics poll...
>>>  Hej all,
>>> I just wanted to ask if anybody have tried to run OSG applications on
>>> Intel GPU on linux lately. I haven't heard anything about intel in
>>> this forum for some time and one of our suppliers is offering a
>>> ruggedized computer, but currently it only comes with intel hd4600. I
>>> immediately puked a little in my mouth, but then I thought I could at
>>> least hear if someone has had any success with intel gpus, OpenGL and
>>> linux.
>>> Anyone?
>>> /Mattias
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