[osg-users] Forcing a scene to rebind textures

Philippe Renon philippe_renon at yahoo.fr
Sun May 10 14:24:54 PDT 2015

Hi Robert,

As a matter of fact I have a GraphicsContext managed by osg.
And it properly gets destroyed.

I later create a new View and set on it the scene data that was previously set on the other view (which is now discarded).
I then see the errors below and get crashes. 
Please note that this does not happen on simple scenes but on scenes containing osgearth maps.

There is something I am not doing properly when destorying the 1s view which leaves the scene in a bad state. Question is to find what is wrong with the scene.

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Phillipe.
> When a graphics context is detroyed a releaseGLObjects() on the scene
> graph should be called.  When a context is destroyed outwith the
> control of the core OSG then calling
> osg::discardAllGLObjects(contextID) should be done to make sure any
> cached GL objects handles and discarded for that context.
> The osgViewer library tries to do this all for you, but if you've
> implement your own context setup/destruction then it won't have all
> the control to do this automatically.
> Robert.
> On 10 May 2015 at 13:12, philippe renon <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am using osg 3.2.1 in a Qt application. Sometimes, for reasons too long to
> > explain here, Qt will destroy the OpenGL context used by a scene. After that
> > I see rendering problems and logs has warnings similar to this one:
> > 
> > WRN: [OSG WARN] Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at After
> > Renderer::compile
> > 
> > The rendering issues are caused by missing textures. The geometry looks fine
> > though.
> > 
> > Is there a way to force a complete scene to rebind its textures or do I need
> > to destroy and rebuild the scene?
> > 
> > Philippe.
> > 
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