[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Rafa Gaitan rafa.gaitan at gmail.com
Fri May 8 02:47:00 PDT 2015


I don't really understand your problems.

First, OSG builds in static, that's correct (.a files), then the JNI
wrappers are .so (libjniosg.so) that's also correct and already has OSG
statically linked there so only that jni library is required, JNI works in
that way, a .so that is preloaded using System.loadLibrary(..). osgAndroid
is prepared to do it for you.

Second, the ndk-build command, leaves the libjniosg.so in the correct
place, so, after building with ndk-build the org.openscenegraph.android
project you need to import the osgAndroid project in eclipse, and deploy
the osgsimple project to the device. Eclipse should package everything

I'm not doing any different that this. As far as I saw in your log, the jni
library is preloaded, the problem then comes when tries to load the model,
so either your device has different configuration and something is not
properly built, or the model is not really in that place.


2015-05-07 23:39 GMT+02:00 Christian Kehl <christian-kehl at web.de>:

> Hi,
> So, I found some time today again (got caught up in other things recent
> days) to follow the advice. I have rebuild the android and the osgjni
> project, both compile. weirdly enough, while the osg itself is build in
> static mode, when I call ndk-build it builds the wrapper still as .so - is
> that intended ? May it be that the system-wide package from Synaptics
> interferes with the build order somewhere ? I have no clue why it's not
> working here - still get the same error log as last time, btw - nothing
> changed. How do the .a library file get on the android device ? where
> should they be usually placed in the folder hierarchy to be transferred ?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Christian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=63661#63661
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Rafael Gaitán Linares
CTO at Mirage Technologies S.L - http://www.mirage-tech.com
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