[osg-users] [vpb] Unusual Error while running vpbmaster

Elias Tarasov elias.tarasov at gmail.com
Wed May 6 02:57:00 PDT 2015


Im sorry for misleading you about that. Actually, release version of vpbmaster crushes at runtime at all. However, debug version runs ok (at least, without crushes i mean). 
When vpbmaster invokes osgdem, it can call only a release version (literally, without "d" suffix). 
So: vpbmasterd invokes osgdem (without "d" suffix), and vpbmaster invokes osgdem. I think it is hardcoded somehwere in a code. 
So to avoid this, i built a debug versions, but without "d" suffix, and therefore debug version of vpbmaster and all other apps are without "d". 

However, they are all debug versions, since release are crashes. 

But now i would like to concentrate at aformentioned problem, instead of debug/release issues.

Thank you!


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