[osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

Curtis Rubel crubel at compro.net
Fri May 1 13:33:00 PDT 2015


One other thing to mention, I have another application that is pure OSG that is to say it is NOT using an QT widgets and it is doing basically the same thing as the QT app that I have and it runs OK as far as I can tell.  The example code I sent you that is failing is also based on the osgviewerQT example.

I am running QT 5.4.1 right now on my OpenSuSE 64bit linux system
in case you need that level of information to isolate the issue.

Another co-worker is running on MacOS and has told me that he is getting the same segv on his system so does not seem to be Linux specific.


Thank you!


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