[osg-users] [osgOcean] Cylinder underwater problem with dimensions > 2000.

Dario Minieri paradox at cheapnet.it
Tue Jun 30 03:40:52 PDT 2015


I'm looking into a problem inside underwater scene: normally I use those parameters for underwater cylinder: 


I'm using osgHimmel as sky /but I can see the same problem with the original osgOcean sky dome) and the camera setup for near-far is:

Near-Far Mode: osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR
Near-Far value: 0.0009

If I attach a camera to an object inside position (0, 3000, -20)-(0,-3000,-20) all works fine. For all values greater then above I can see the sky behind in some camera setup. I've made a video which make a camera rotation at (0, 3500, -20) position. You can see the problem. 

I've tried some other configuration about Near-Far mode and value without success. In others, seems to be impossible to set a greater value for CylinderRadius because in this case the same problem come for low distance also!

In practice, it's impossible to move object over 2000 units from 0 without this problem. For example, cylinder at 20.000 and object in 0 show the sky behind underwater. 

Can you tell me some way to look?

Can you see the video here: https://vid.me/NAeB

Thank you!


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