[osg-users] Missing Geodes in Android Port

Steven A. White ARA/SED sawhite at ara.com
Wed Jul 8 13:44:36 PDT 2015


I've been chasing this down since I was able to get my libraries straight.  I'm currently working on the Qt/OSG application previously discussed.   The system uses a QOpenGLWidget with an osgViewer::GraphicWindowEmbedded .

To simply things I have created a QWidget that inherits from QOpenGLWidget. It contains a osgViewer::CompositeViewer.  The scene is defined as a Ortho2D. It contains 4 sphere's 2 Along each Axis They have a radius of 1/4th the view dimensions.  For debugging every call to update() in Qt the camera node's clear color is adjusted.

On Windows and Linux I see the scene as I would expect, but on Linux I simply get the oscillating clear color.   Because the background color changes appropriately with each new frame. I know OSG is operating in the right GLES context and the buffers are properly swapped by  Qt, but I can't explain what could cause the objects in the scene to be skipped or drawn off screen. I can post the class if anyone is interested it is fairly small, but I would be very interested in hearing others debugging techniques on multiplatform applications or experience working with OSG on android.


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