[osg-users] [ANN] Graft a cross platform batch conversion tool

Thomas Hogarth thomas.hogarth at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 21:18:55 PDT 2015

Hi Everyone

In my spare time I've been working on a little project called Graft. It's a batch conversion tool a lot like osgConv but also uses Qt for a GUI.

It also adds the powerful feature of treating individual conversions (i.e. a visitor or image resize) as Actions that can be added as to a queue and applied one after the other. The queues can then be saved and shared with others (if you've ever used automator on OS X it's a bit like that)

Actions can also be added via plugins with the hope that eventually they'll be an action for every possibility. For this initial release I've added as many basic actions as I can and would now like to see what others think and any ideas for new Actions.

I've provided Windows (x64), OS X (x64) and Linux (x32) builds on my website


I've only tested them on Windows 7, OS X 10.9.5, Ubuntu 12.04

On linux you need to make Graft.sh executable and run that so the libraries are found and possibly also run

apt-get build-dep openscenegraph

As I haven't included 3rdParty dependancies other than osg and Qt in the linux build.

The source code is available here


Anyway, if anyone would like to have a try please let me know how you get on and any possible ideas for new actions.


Quick tutorial as I've not written anything up yet
Add inputs via the + button or drag and drop files onto the window
Actions are applied to inputs when 'process' is clicked.
Selected input file is shown in preview with all actions applied from last process
Export will save out the currently selected input
To save out all Inputs add an Save File action

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