[osg-users] Anyone Experimenting with OSVR

David Glenn david at dglenn.com
Tue Dec 8 10:54:04 PST 2015

Greetings All!

Got my OSVR HDKv1.3 last week! I had to wait till the weekend to really try it out and there are still parts of it that I have not tried out yet (like the IR camera). So far most of the effort has been testing what works and what is a work in progress. One thing that I noticed off the bat is that the screen is only at an HD level. 

Also, I'm evaluating it using game development software. So I'm going off the deep end right out of the box. I feel comfortable doing this given that I have already been dabbling in Oculus Rift from the start, so I can compare and contrast. So far, I have dealt with Dev Kit 1 and have dabbled with DK2 and other demos and this is just another notch in the belt for me, but most of this has been done using Unity because it more geared to what my handlers expect me to develop to theses days. 

However, I am always looking at subjects that I can learn and give talks about and I'm getting a little sick of talking terrain. VR has a little more meat on bones and it would be nice to get something working in VR for the next SIGGRAPH BOF. 

Oh, and it looking at it, there seems to be at least one OSVR test app that uses OSG, but it's not a VR Demo as it is just a way to test head tracking movement.     


Thank you!


David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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