[osg-users] StateAttributeCallback marked deprecated

Judson Weissert judson.weissert at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 10:05:51 PST 2015


I was working with the master branch code from the GitHub repository (up-to-date as of today), and I noticed that osg::StateAttributeCallback is marked deprecated. (Perhaps it has been deprecated for some time now.)

My question is: What is it supposed to be replaced with? Specifically, the osg::StateAttribute callback related members use the osg::StateAttributeCallback class:


ref_ptr<StateAttributeCallback>   _updateCallback;
ref_ptr<StateAttributeCallback>   _eventCallback;

Thus, it does not seem possible to use the osg::Callback class directly (if that is the intention).

Is it marked deprecated, and there is no alternative at this time? Or, is there an alternate callback mechanism that I am missing?



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