[osg-users] Fwd: Add info about External Project and Windows binaries

Konstantin Podsvirov konstantin at podsvirov.pro
Wed Dec 2 11:14:36 PST 2015

30.11.2015, 21:29, "Konstantin Podsvirov" <konstantin at podsvirov.pro>:

Hi! My name is Konstantin.

I have a certain interest in the project, OpenSceneGraph, and osgEarth.

I am the author of the project osgQtQuick, which is now under development. Basic information about the project can be found on github:


I would like to add a link to the project on the website openscenegraph.org/com.
I registered on the site, but I have no rights. I need help.

Its the main time I spend on Windows and Debian.

I develop on the Windows "Dad's Project". Basic information on the website:


Now the project provides binaries for Windows in several versions:


I think that these projects can be useful to the OpenSceneGraph community. And want to know about them.

I wrote a very brief and if you have any additional questions, write and I will try to answer.

(Sorry for possible mistakes, English is not my native language)

Konstantin Podsvirov

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