[osg-users] Fwd: [osg-submissions] Upgrade Doxygen configuration

Konstantin Podsvirov konstantin at podsvirov.pro
Wed Dec 9 19:30:18 PST 2015

Hi, I have long noticed it and here's my solution which
I promote:

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08.12.2015, 23:14, "Konstantin Podsvirov" <konstantin at podsvirov.pro>:

I posted the results of applying my changes.

Everyone can see it.

Generated by Doxygen 1.8.10

OpenSceneGraph 3.5.1





Reference Documentation.

You can also visit my fork on github:


17.11.2015, 21:14, "Konstantin Podsvirov" <konstantin at podsvirov.pro>:
> On the website I read that I need to attach the changed files.
> Now the attached files.
> 11.11.2015, 22:58, "Konstantin Podsvirov" <konstantin at podsvirov.pro>:
>> Hello dear developers OpenSceneGraph!
>> Recently we saw the release of version 3.4 and even 3.5, but
>> on the documentation page shows version 3.2.0:
>> http://trac.openscenegraph.org/documentation/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs
>> I tried to generate the documentation myself, but it turned out that when using the latest version of Doxygen we don't get the result expected. Latest Doxygen simply ignores the contents of the header files without the extension. The problem begins with version
>> http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/changelog.html#log_1_8_3_1
>> As I found out in a new case by selecting "EXTENSION_MAPPING" which should be set to "no_extension=C++".
>> I prefer to work with git. Here is my PR:
>> https://github.com/openscenegraph/osg/pull/42
>> If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me how to do it right.
>> This is my first attempt to make a contribution to the project.
>> (sorry for mistakes in text - English is not my native language)
> --
> Regards,
> Konstantin Podsvirov
> ,
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Konstantin Podsvirov
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Konstantin Podsvirov

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