[osg-users] Geometry of Generic 3D Surface from Collection of Points

Erik Hensens ehensens at hunter.com
Sun Aug 16 18:21:51 PDT 2015

Hi everyone!

I have a collection of Vec3 vertices that define the shape of a geometry that I'd like to create. Typically I would create the geometry by adding a primitive set of the POLYGON type, but what should I do if the vertices are not all in the same plane?

I'm sure this is a very common task and that there's probably a simple way to achieve this. What is the best basic approach to creating such a geometry?

Ideally I'd like to be able to do this without having to choose the individual triangles or quads that will make up the entire geometry. For example, if I wanted to model any generic three-dimensional surface and all I had was a large sample of points on the surface.

In case I'm not doing a good job explaining what I need, I've attached an image - let's say I had many points on the surface of that shape and I need to make a geometry that depicts it. How would I do this?

Thanks in advance for your help![/img]

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