[osg-users] OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH was a SUCCESS

John Richardson richards at spawar.navy.mil
Fri Aug 14 15:39:06 PDT 2015



Thanks to Robert for his "future of OSG" slides.


Thanks to David Glenn for the osgEarth demo and being a talking head for
Robert's slides. Also, for always helping set up the cords and adapters and
for moving the microphone switch to the "mic" position so we could hear the


We used a nice screen provided by the Web3D consortium. Thanks to David for
bringing a white shower curtain and stage tape that was the "PLAN B" if the
Web3D screen was not available.J


It was but David goes the extra mile. Will send Robert the pictures.


Thanks to Steve Satterfield from NIST for his OSG presentation.


Very well attended.


IMHO the reason it is a popular BOF is that the OSG community is active and
vibrant. So, thanks to the people reading this post.



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