[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc4 tagged

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 03:20:55 PDT 2015

Hi All,

Frenzy of release activity continues with the 3.2.2-rc4 from the stable 3.2
branch, there is one on minute build fix for Mingw. I haven't seen much
feedback on the testing side of the 3.2 branch or the 3.2.2-rc's but given
how minor the changes have been to the 3.2 branch I suspect we are good to
for the OSG-3.2.2 stable release right away.  This means 3.2.2-rc4 is

   - Zip file containing source code : OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc4.zip
   - Subversion tag for 3.2.2-rc4 : svn co

I'm inclined to tag the 3.2.2 maintenance release this afternoon to clear
the decks for the big new release of 3.4.0.   If you have seen any reason
to hold back 3.2.2 let me know right away.

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