[osg-users] Reading files and callbacks

Aaron Andersen aaron at fosslib.net
Mon Aug 31 04:50:40 PDT 2015

Hi Robert,

Might it make sense to add an optional callback to either the  
PagedLOD+ProxyNode classes or to the DatabasePager for when loading of  
a node is complete? If so, would patches be accepted?

Thank you,

Quoting Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>:

> Hi Tony,
> On 31 August 2015 at 03:54, Tony Vasile <minghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We have a bunch of OpenFlight models with have information in some of the
>> nodes that we use to configure our system. Is it better to use ReadNodeFile
>> and post-process the file with a NodeVisitor? Or is is better to override
>> osgDB::ReadFileCallback and somehow exercise our code when it finds a node
>> of particular interest?
> You'll likely be using the same code to find the nodes of interest no
> matter what approach you use, to me it's really just an issue where it'll
> be most convenient/flexible for you to invoke it in your application.
> If you are loading the files directly by your application by calling
> osgDB::readNodeFile(..) then adding post processing in afterwards would be
> easy, but if the files are being read as part of paged database then using
> the ReadFileCallback would be required.
> Robert.

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