[osg-users] pfDCS replacement

David Callu ledocc at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 23:13:34 PDT 2015

Hi Tony

Have you take a look to osg/src/osgPlugins/pfb/* source code ?
this plugin load pfb fie in osg, so I think many answers of your question
will be there.


2015-08-28 5:34 GMT+02:00 Tony Vasile <minghia at gmail.com>:

> Okay today I am wondering which class replaces pfDCS in OSG? A Google
> search shows there use to be  a class osg::DCS but this has been removed.
> To get the same functionality do I use PositionAttitudeTransform?
> Tony V
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=64926#64926
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