[osg-users] osgviewer texture maps lost

Luciano Buglioni luciano.buglioni at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 15:05:13 PDT 2015

I've got it, this was a light issue, i thought that there was no light because of stats legend, but there was, indeed this was just over floor plane!
Problem solved! 

luchete80 wrote:
> Hi, my name is Luciano and i'm new in OSG, until now very happy with it.
> Mi intention is to develop a deferred shading editable pipeline with osg and qt based, with post processing and global illumination, but is so far from now :). I've ound here an excellent deferred render pipeline from konner user which i've been tested in my onboard card notebook.
> Recently, i have downloaded Sponza atrium classic scene and loaded with osgviewer, and whereas in 3dsmax all maps are placed correctly, in osgviewer some if them are lost (walls and floor). Does texture coordinated store on .osgb file i'm right? Could be adopted some mapping technique which osg does not support?
> Apologyze mi ignorance, i'm new on all this!
> Suppose it is a simple thing, i'll try to find out what i'm doing wrong..
> Screenshots are in my site (faiengine dot org, i can't put it yet :' )
> Thank you!
> Luciano

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