[osg-users] OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH was a SUCCESS

David Glenn david at dglenn.com
Wed Aug 19 14:36:50 PDT 2015


If you what, I have three YouTube videos:

One is the Boston Demo that Pelican Mapping did:
its only a demonstration of the boston.earth file  to show off what osgEarth can do! Later, I would like to do a breakdown of what is being displayed and how to do it, but that is for another talk down the road or anther video.

Boston Demo https://youtu.be/Z_7afNznnRs

Next is one that I made up from two examples that is part of the test set of xml files provided in the source. It shows nexrad data on top of Open Street Map. 

Nexrad on OSM https://youtu.be/ctdNF5wHpMk

BTW: If anyone out there has used wms data other than the source example I used, please let me know, I'm trying to find other weather radar sources to try out and I'm by no means an expert of this stuff.

Finally I did a mixture of something old and something new. I mixed some of the data that I used to make the Virtual Planet Builder map and mixed it in with Open Street Map. 

VPB data on OSM https://youtu.be/Mh7Yd6bh0BQ

I also have other files from the Pelican Mapping that I will post as soon as I can get myself settled down from all this travel - I've been away from home for nearly two weeks.  

Sorry for any mistakes or misspellings I made.

Hopefully the YouTube videos that I plan to make will cover all the questions that you just can't cover in a BOF. 

Using osgEarth is a lot of fun and I have found to be very useful!

Thank you!

D Glenn

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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