[osg-users] Geometry of Generic 3D Surface from Collection of Points

Erik Hensens ehensens at hunter.com
Mon Aug 17 06:44:59 PDT 2015

Hi Robert,

Sorry but could you expand just a little bit on what you mean by "For instance if you had a data set that has two input variables that specify a surface in 3D then you could create a regular tessellation in the 2D input space then map the 2D coordinates to their final 3D coordinates - think of table cloth with a regular grid that you then scrunch up." In particular, what do you mean by 'map the 2D coordinates to their final 3D coordinates'?

Sorry and thanks very much for your patience... :-* 

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> On 17 August 2015 at 14:18, Erik Hensens < ()> wrote:
> > Thanks Robert. That answers my question perfectly - I figured there was a simple way to do what I wanted using OSG only but that I just couldn't find it. I'm fine with using a different approach to solve this problem. I haven't looked too far but perhaps CGAL can provide me with what I need.
> > 
> I really don't know enough about the specifics of your dataset to know what you can use.  CGAL might the tool for you task, or it might be that the OSG tools are sufficient.
> Alternatively it may be possible to come up with solutions that are tailored to the dataset and can produce results of better quality and faster than general purpose solution. For instance if you had a data set that has two input variables that specify a surface in 3D then you could create a regular tessellation in the 2D input space then map the 2D coordinates to their final 3D coordinates - think of table cloth with a regular grid that you then scrunch up.
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