[osg-users] Geometry of Generic 3D Surface from Collection of Points

Erik Hensens ehensens at hunter.com
Mon Aug 17 06:18:35 PDT 2015

Thanks Robert. That answers my question perfectly - I figured there was a simple way to do what I wanted using OSG only but that I just couldn't find it. I'm fine with using a different approach to solve this problem. I haven't looked too far but perhaps CGAL can provide me with what I need.

Thanks again!

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> On 17 August 2015 at 13:39, Erik Hensens < ()> wrote:
> > So, does that mean that there is no way to do what I want without somehow determining the coordinates of every individual triangle? And there's not even any way to do a 3D tessellation to get such triangle coordinates? :'
> The OSG itself doesn't provide a general 3D mesh generalization, this is non trivial problem to solve.  Go on the web and search for different solutions.
> The OSG is primarily and rendering library, the extra's such as DealunayTriangulator are for convinience, but don't attempt to provide complete solutions.  Tessellation of point clouds is a huge topic in itself.
> Robert.
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