[osg-users] ColorMask and depth information issue.

Alessandro Terenzi a.terenzi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 02:54:09 PDT 2015

Thank you again Robert for your explanation.

So I tried to explicitly set some render bins but I am not sure to understand what happens now.

I am attaching 2 files: the yellow box and a blue box to which I apply the color mask. I modified both files in order to use the same render bin number and name ("RenderBin"), what I observe is:

1) if the bin number of the color-masked box is "lower" than the other then it hides the yellow box

2) if the bin number of the color-masked box is "higher" than, or equal to, the other then it does NOT hide the yellow box

I expected the opposite, am I wrong? 

Also, if instead of using "RenderBin" I use "DepthSortedBin" then the behavior is similar but, in the case where the bin numbers are equal, then the occlusion works only up to a certain viewing angle.


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