[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0-rc12 tagged

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 11:12:06 PDT 2015

Hi Lincoln,

On 14 August 2015 at 18:37, Lincoln Nxumalo <lincoln.nxumalo at gmail.com>

> Hi Robert,
> It seems the thread "OSG 3.4.0 osgViewerMFC can not display model" started
> by Rian and Glen A Johnson Jr. was never resolved before the stable 3.4.0
> release.
> Could you please have a look at that?

The only knowledge I have about MFC is that it's a Windows API.  That's it,
end's there.  For all practically purposes I know absolutely nothing about

I rarely use Windows and have never touched MFC programming in my whole
programming career, never need to, never wanted to, plenty of far more
interesting things to do with my time.  A record I'm very happy with and
have no plans to change.

So... no I'm not about to look at an problem with MFC viewer.  There are
plenty of Windows user/developers in the community that both have the far
great skills and at least some passing interesting in MFC that are far
better placed and motivation to resolve such issue. Me, I'll be happy when
MFC disappears for good.

If Windows weren't able to resolve a problem with a MFC example prior to
3.4.0 then I'm afraid this is down to the members of community using
Windows not stepping up to the plate.  I worked my guts out trying to
resolve all other problems I could humanly solve for 3.4.0, I can't do

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