[osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 06:32:11 PDT 2015

Hi Curtis,

On 12 August 2015 at 13:57, Curtis Rubel <crubel at compro.net> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> OK I will do some more digging into this and see if I can
> find anything myself that could help.  Hopefully there
> are some other mac folks out there that have a better
> background in this area than I do, that would be nice...
> I can def say that OSG 3.3.1 is working OK on my mac, as I just
> compiled and reloaded it to make sure.  So looks like maybe its
> something that has changed since that dev release.
> I will try 3.3.3 next to see if we can at least isolate when the issue
> first started as it might help give some ideas where to look as well.

OSG-3.4.0 *is* working even better than 3.3.1.  OSG-3.4.0 has hundreds of
bug fixes, code refinements and optimizations.

Ironically, it's the fact that OSG-3.4.0 is working better w.r.t properly
support DDS format is what it tripping up OSX.

OSG-3.3.1 and all OSG version before didn't properly support DDS mipmaps so
you never got to see the buggy driver problem.

What I've seen so far points to the failure being in OSX OpenGL drivers and
nothing to do with the OSG.

To resolve the problem you need to go beyond the OSG, and on to OSX OpenGL

If you want a short term workaround then simply disable the mapmaps
assigned to any osg::Image that are loaded.  Such a hack will work for all
data sources of osg::Image.  Remember, it's not a DDS bug, changes to this
plugin has just been the trigger for finding the problem which is
elsewhere, so there is no reason to believe that it's DDS images that
trigger, but mipmapping, so catching it in a more generic way is the best

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