[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0-rc11 tagged

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 04:10:48 PDT 2015

Hi All,

A quick note for everyone.  I've now done all my prep for the OSG-3.4.0
stable release.  The only things left are to tag the release, update the
website and tweet etc.

We have the Siggraph Bird of Feather session at 10pm @ Siggraph in LA,
which is in roughly 6hours from now. I'll tag the release for the BOF.

If there are any issues outstanding let me know I'll make a call whether
they can be resolved in time, or whether to hold back the release, or
simply put the items as ones to fix after the release.

Thanks to everyone who has pitched in with testing and resolving issues.

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