[osg-users] timing the rendering process

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 04:02:39 PDT 2015

Hi Mika,

The rendering performance of LOD vs PagedLOD will be pretty well identical
when all children are loaded.  If not all required children are loaded then
the PagedLOD will fallback to lower res children and will run faster but
with lower visual quality.

The loading of tiles is done in a background thread so doesn't directly
affect rendering performance.  Merging of new GL objects and deleting
expired GL objects can taken from the draw traversal, but this is load
balanced to avoid breaking frame.

Personally I don't think there is much to gain from trying to compare
performance as the behaviour is different so for any really dynamic scene
what is actually being rendered each frame can be quite different.
Applications need to asses what type of LOD is required for their
application then decide how best to build the database for that.  In you
have a very large database then you really have little option but to use
something like the PageLOD to give you the scalability you need.  If you
don't need this scalability then LOD would be better simply from the
simplicity of building the required database.


On 10 August 2015 at 09:40, Mika Weiss <chelleywa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to asses the performance of a LOD file vs. pagedLOD file. I
> have four levels in each model and I would like to time every rendering
> process that happens . writing the timings into a file could be great.
> I'm pretty sure it was done before. Does anyone have a funcion for that,
> or could at least give me an idea how to write one?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Mika
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