[osg-users] [build] osg + qt + android = linker problem

Robert Gosztyla robert.gosztyla at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 03:36:58 PDT 2015


I'm using 3.2.2-rc2, building it for Android and trying to use in Qt (5.4.1) application. OSG is configured with this:


Seems, that sets of *.a libs are build, both for armeabi and armeabi-v7a without any problem. Trying to link them in qt application (from *.pro file):

LIBS += -L"/home/some/sources/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc2/build/obj/local/armeabi-v7a" -losg -losgUtil -losgDB -losgGA -losgViewer -lOpenThreads

gives me lots of linker errors, looks like osg libraries are not taken for link:

/home/some/sources/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc2/src/osgDB/Registry.cpp:752: error: undefined reference to 'osgGetVersion'
/home/some/sources/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc2/src/osgDB/Registry.cpp:225: error: undefined reference to 'osg::KdTreeBuilder::KdTreeBuilder()'
/home/some/sources/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc2/src/osgDB/OutputStream.cpp:669: error: undefined reference to 'osgGetVersion'
/home/some/sources/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2-rc2/include/osg/Object:98: error: undefined reference to 'typeinfo for osg::ImageStream'
and so on...

Maybe some other osg version should be used for Android? Or something wrong is with cmake configuration? Whole build is done on Ubuntu x64.

Thank you!


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