[osg-users] AnimationPath + AnimationPathCallback

Georg Gast schorsch_76 at gmx.de
Thu Apr 23 10:44:15 PDT 2015


right now i try to move to different objects in my scene. I attached a own AnimamationPathCallback to 2 MatrixTransform Nodes in my scene.

My goal is, that both nodes move independently but each should notify me, when it animation is finished.

Here is my callback


// create the update callback
struct Notify : osg::AnimationPathCallback
    Notify(osg::AnimationPath* p, bool& animation_done)
    : osg::AnimationPathCallback(p) , m_animation_done(animation_done) {}

    virtual void operator()(osg::Node*  node,
                            osg::NodeVisitor*  nv)
        if (m_animation_done)
        osg::MatrixTransform* p_mt =
        if (p_mt)
            auto p_down = dynamic_cast<Notify*>(p_mt->getUpdateCallback());
            if (p_down == this)
                auto p_path = getAnimationPath();
                double current_time = getAnimationTime();
                double max_time = p_path->getLastTime();

                if (current_time >= max_time)
                    m_animation_done = true;

    bool& m_animation_done;

This callback works when only one is attached to a node in the scene. When i attach two of them, with different animation path, just the one of them gets updated. In fact, i bought both OpenSceneGraph Books, but i could not find a hint why this should not happen.

This way i start the animations ....


void update_controller::start_animation(const std::vector<int>& animation, bool& animation_done)
    animation_done = false;
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::AnimationPath> p_path =
        new osg::AnimationPath;

    // only one shot

    // define the control points
    assert(animation.size() >= 2);
    static const osg::Vec3 delta_z( 0, 0, 1 );
    size_t p = 0; float time = 0.0f;
    osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint cp(m_all_pos[animation[p]]);
    p_path->insert(time, cp); time+= 0.1f;
    cp = osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(m_all_pos[animation[p]] - delta_z);
    p_path->insert(time, cp); time+= 0.1f;
    assert(p == 1);
    while (p < animation.size()-1)
        cp = osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(m_all_pos[animation[p]] - delta_z);
        p_path->insert(time, cp); time+= 0.1f;

    cp = osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(m_all_pos[animation[p]]);
    p_path->insert(time, cp); time+= 0.1f;

    osg::ref_ptr<Notify> p_animation_cb =
        new Notify(p_path.get(), animation_done );

    // set this callback to the desired pins matrix
    assert(m_id_player_pin != -1);
    assert(m_pins[m_id_player_pin] != nullptr);

I guess, it is just a small thing. This is my first OSG project and in fact it is my first problem, which i cant solve by reading the books .... :(

Thank you!


P.S.: I dont know why the forum shows my "4 space tabs" as ??? I replaced my "\t" by four spaces in my editor ....  :?

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