[osg-users] Hello and a Couple Quick Getting Started Questions

Dave Sargrad davidsargrad at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 12 06:38:34 PDT 2015

Hi All,
Thanks for the help getting going yesterday. 

I thought I'd take a quick second to introduce myself. Years back I used Ogre3D on an R&D effort at work, to build a pluggable application that was "google earth-like". In this context I also used a widget system called CEGUI "Crazy Eddies Gui" - which was quite flexible. I was able to build a fair number of graphical plugins and after 2 years of development had a fairly robust application.

I'm jumping back into 3D graphics and decided to take a different road. I'm looking forward to learning OSG. 

Very glad to hear that the community is still quite active.

I would like to poll you on some quick questions:
1] Can someone please point me to the best tutorial for creating a first application.
2] Can someone please point me to the best tutorial for loading Blender models.
3] Can someone recommend a "widget system". Is WxWidgets the most commonly used widget system?


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