[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Rafa Gaitan rafa.gaitan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 23:05:22 PDT 2015

Hi Christian,

I've just uploaded a fix to osgAndroid to fix all the linkage problems with
stl, I changed it to use the shared gnu stl library and inside the Java
code I'm loading it before load the osg jni library.

I hope this fixes your problems, I've just made a quick test with osgsimple
and it worked so far.


2015-04-29 14:23 GMT+02:00 Christian Kehl <christian-kehl at web.de>:

> Hi,
> So, what I tried now is to revert to the old OpenSceneGraph. I was looking
> up in the internet for the rand() error on the android platform, where
> people say <cstdlib> needs to be explicitly included in the header that
> uses the function. The stat64 error is an ample ifdef construct in
> OpenSceneGraph/src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp. I tried to add there the following
> (osg svn version 3.3.3)
>     #if defined(GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_0) || defined(GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_1) ||
> defined(GL_VERSION_ES_2_0) || defined(GL_VERSION_ES_1_1) ||
> defined(GL_VERSION_ES_1_0)
>         // if we are on android,we need to obscure the 64-bit pointer
> (needs to be adapted for android >=r10c
>         // due to 64 bit support)
>         #define stat64 stat
>     #endif
> (line 93, after the switch for _DARWIN_FEATURE_64_BIT_INODE)
> still, the work is unsuccessfull as I still get the same errors.
> christian at PROMETHEUS:/media/christian/DATA/osgAndroid/org.openscenegraph.android$
> ${ANDROID_NDK}/ndk-build
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIosgViewer.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIosg.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIosgDB.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIosgUtil.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIosgGA.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= JNIUtils.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= MultiViewNode.cpp
> [armeabi] Compile++ thumb: jniosg-gles1 <= GLES2ShaderGenVisitor.cpp
> [armeabi] SharedLibrary  : libjniosg-gles1.so
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/osgPlugins-3.3.3/libosgdb_serializers_osgparticle.a(RadialShooter.cpp.o):RadialShooter.cpp:function
> osgParticle::range<float>::get_random() const: error: undefined reference
> to 'rand'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/osgPlugins-3.3.3/libosgdb_serializers_osgparticle.a(RadialShooter.cpp.o):RadialShooter.cpp:function
> osgParticle::RadialShooter::shoot(osgParticle::Particle*) const: error:
> undefined reference to 'rand'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/osgPlugins-3.3.3/libosgdb_serializers_osgparticle.a(RandomRateCounter.cpp.o):RandomRateCounter.cpp:function
> osgParticle::RandomRateCounter::numParticlesToCreate(double) const: error:
> undefined reference to 'rand'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/osgPlugins-3.3.3/libosgdb_serializers_osgparticle.a(SectorPlacer.cpp.o):SectorPlacer.cpp:function
> osgParticle::SectorPlacer::place(osgParticle::Particle*) const: error:
> undefined reference to 'rand'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/libosgDB.a(FileUtils.cpp.o):FileUtils.cpp:function
> osgDB::fileType(std::string const&): error: undefined reference to 'stat64'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/libosgDB.a(FileUtils.cpp.o):FileUtils.cpp:function
> osgDB::makeDirectory(std::string const&): error: undefined reference to
> 'stat64'
> /home/christian/android-install/lib/libosgDB.a(FileUtils.cpp.o):FileUtils.cpp:function
> osgDB::makeDirectory(std::string const&): error: undefined reference to
> 'stat64'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/libjniosg-gles1.so] Error 1
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Christian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=63567#63567
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Rafael Gaitán Linares
CTO at Mirage Technologies S.L - http://www.mirage-tech.com
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