[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Rafa Gaitan rafa.gaitan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 12:30:20 PDT 2015


It's been a while since I build an osgAndroid project, so maybe things have
changed and now the readme is not longer valid.

The explained method for building JNI libraries within eclipse it's just a
convenience way for not using the console each time you change something in
the JNI part.

As you can see in osgAndroid, there's a org.openscenegrap.android library
which is the one doing the bridge between java and osg. That's the one that
requires to be built using the ndk, so you just need to go with the console
to that directory and execute ndk-build, of course you need to configure
properly the OSG_SDK variable of the Android.mk of that project.

If everything is properly build I recommend you refresh eclipse projects
and try the osgsimple example (remember to upload to the device the model
in the correct path), osgAndroid is just a simple layer to help developing
applications quickly on android.

Maybe reading on how to build NDK native projects in general will also help
you understanding how works the osgAndroid project.


2015-04-25 18:59 GMT+02:00 Christian Kehl <christian-kehl at web.de>:

> I posted the changes on the osg-submissions mailing list. I still have the
> problem of building the JNI libraries using Eclipse. Rafael, perhaps you
> can give me a hint on how to do that, or extend the readme on the project a
> bit further so this last step is clear on howto-do ?
> Thanks and Cheers,
> Christian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=63532#63532
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Rafael Gaitán Linares
CTO at Mirage Technologies S.L - http://www.mirage-tech.com
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