[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Christian Kehl Christian.Kehl at uni.no
Thu Apr 23 02:47:44 PDT 2015

Rafa Gaitan <rafa.gaitan at ...> writes:

> Hello Christian, 
> Just to clarify a little bit the things:
> - All the versions until 3.3.2 (I think that's the last one), should be
compiled using the old system (generating the Android.mk files through cmake)
> - Newer version must use the new Toolchain mechanism
> Both methods are explained
here: http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/documentation/platform-specifics/android
> Regarding the examples inside OSG, I don't know the current status, as far
as I know Jordi made them work but I usually use osgAndroid. FYI I changed
the repository of osgAndroid to github, seems that gitorious has been
absorbed by gitlab, so I moved it out. The new url
is: https://github.com/corsario/osgAndroid
> Regarding the thirdparty dependencies with the new Toolchain, you are
right, is something I forgot to add into cmake when I was cleaning it up for
building for Android. I'll try to do it once I had some time.
> On the other hand, you must build OSG either GLES1 or GLES2. If you build
it against GLES2 then you need to add your own shaders to see something on
screen, of course the example for GLES2 won't work if OSG was built with
GLES1 and the GLES1 example won't show anything if OSG was compiled with
GLES2, I apologize if this was already clarified :)
> Best regards,
> Rafa.

Then how do I use the toolchain file for compiling examples that are 
imported in Eclipse ? I don't fully understand the toolchain 
mechanism further than basically compiling the libraries 
(which went successfull so far).

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