[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Jan Ciger jan.ciger at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 01:47:34 PDT 2015

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Christian Kehl <Christian.Kehl at uni.no>

> Hi,
> is there still anybody available who has an idea what could be wrong in
> this
> instance ? The problem continues to persist and I don't know enough about
> the android wrapping system to fix the problem myself. The problem has to
> be
> in the static libraries, but where ?

It could be also a bug  in the Android port of OSG. OSG is designed to load
plugins required to load the various data formats dynamically.
Unfortunately, this doesn't really work well with Android because of the
way Android applications are deployed, so OSG won't find its plugins (and
models/textures/etc won't load).

Jordi Torres has implemented a workaround using static linking, that is
what those plugin declaration macros were for. If you have compiled
everything statically as described in the doc and it is still looking for
.so files (DLLs in Windows parlance), then something seems borked in the
osgDB plugin system, IMHO.

Do the osgAndroid examples shipped with OSG work for you? If those don't
work neither, then something has changed in OSG and broke it since mid-2013
when I have last compiled the Android version (and when it was working).

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