[osg-users] RTT Camera does not render anything

Andreas Schreiber ayss at online.de
Wed Apr 15 01:33:44 PDT 2015


I changed my camera. 

Now I don't use the method where I create the rtt camera, like shown in first post.

Now I just created the camera in the method where I setup the scene and it works...

I really do not get why....
Is there a specific order I should follow with the camera calls (setReference, setRenderOrder, setProjectionmatrixAsOrtho2D, setViewport, etc)??

One more thing that bothers me is the orientation. 
I did no transforms on the viewer or the scene itself. So my expectation was that the rendering of the rtt camera should be in the same orientation like the viewer camera, but it looks like in sketch which I attached.

Thank you!


Read this topic online here:

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