[osg-users] Thoughts on Vulkan

David Glenn david at dglenn.com
Tue Apr 14 11:46:46 PDT 2015

Well Chris, I don't think that anyone has ruled out using Vulkan on OSG, it just that the verdict is out about adoption. Besides, as I have learned from my resent VR experience, sometimes early adoption is not the wise course of action. 

As for me, I will adopt Vulkan when I have a good understanding of how it works and the standards are stable. It took awhile before the standards for GLSL to be ironed out. I'm worried about it being the same way for Vulkan.   

D Glenn

Chris Hanson wrote:
> Personally, my thought on Vulkan is that it present an opportunity to solve a number of long-standing problems that history has shown OpenGL now has as a result of graphics software and hardware evolving.
> OpenGL was intended as standardized moderately high-level abstraction layer. Today, applications want to be able to choose and customize their high level abstraction (which is what scene graphs like OSG and game engines like Unity are) and those engines want a lower-level  of the actual hardware. Vulkan seeks to address this change.
> -- 
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David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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