[osg-users] SVN Access Fails

Dave Sargrad davidsargrad at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 12 09:20:16 PDT 2015

jacmoe wrote:
> Here is the build instructions for when being on the Windows platform using Visual Studio:
> http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/documentation/platform-specifics/windows/37-visual-studio
> Cheers,
> Jacob

So, I've run several cookbooks with success. I'm trying to run the run that wants to load arial.ttf using the appropriate 3rd party plugin.

Oddly the link that you provided to the windows instructions seems to have a dead link to the dependencies page. My initial build of OSG was without any of the 3rd party dependencies. I'd like to remedy that at this point.

The windows instructions link you provided include a link to this page:

which seems to ... dead! 

This page however seems to be the appropriate page for dependencies:

I'll try out the dependencies beneath the heading "VisualStudio 2013 RTM (VC12)"... though my Visual Studio 2013 is not the RTM version, I dont think this will matter.

Read this topic online here:

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