[osg-users] Possible bug in dev version:no call to initializeExtensionProcs for embedded window

Sergey Kurdakov sergey.forum at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 09:02:47 PDT 2015

Hi Robert,

 I tracked my error.

my osg is a port of osg to emscripten, so no switch of contexts happens,
for that matter to reduce workload I commented in

void ViewerBase::renderingTraversals()



for(itr = contexts.begin();
        itr != contexts.end() && !_done;
        if (!((*itr)->getGraphicsThread()) && (*itr)->valid())
            doneMakeCurrentInThisThread = true;

that was fine for older version of osg, never version initializes
extensions in a first call to makeCurrent(*itr);

 now I uncommented this line in my code but keep porting other things in
new version of osg though.

so there is nothing wrong with osg at all - that was just an artifact of my
port and different behavior to init extensions, sorry for wrong call.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Sergey Kurdakov <sergey.forum at gmail.com>

> Hi Robert,
> with osg it works ok, but I try to find a source of the bug then will
> report ( or will write and example where it can be tracked in stock osg )
> Regards
> Sergey
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> It sounds like a bug to me.  I haven't tried replicating it but will have
>> a bash this morning.  Can you recreate the problem with an OSG example?
>> At a first guess I think the solution would be for the
>> GraphicsWindowEmbedded::relaizeImplemention() to do the
>> State::initializeExtensionProcs().
>> Robert.
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